Although college is supposed to provide you with the path to a financially promising future, it costs a lot to get there. Just about every student compiles debt while attending college, but many also find themselves with money troubles during their tenure. One way to save money in college is by purchasing used textbooks. As […]
Posts By: Anthony Thompson
Everyone who smokes knows it’s a deadly habit they should quit, though that’s not a fact that makes it any easier. It may help, though, to focus on the financial benefits of putting down cigarettes once and for all. First, let’s look at the actual cost of this habit. The average price of a pack […]
Whether you travel constantly for work or you just take a vacation or two every year, hotels are a part of just about everyone’s life at one point or another. This doesn’t mean you need to pay full-price though. By following the below tips you could either save a lot of money over the course […]
With the holidays fast approaching, many of us are looking forward to time spent with family and, of course, presents under the Christmas tree. However, plenty of us are also heading into the holidays with a fair bit of anxiety as we try to figure out how we’ll be affording those gifts. The first thing […]
The workplace is where you’re supposed to go every day to make money, but it also represents an opportunity to needlessly spend it. If you’re looking for ways to pad your budget, then the following tips will help you do so where work is involved. The first step you can take is actually before you […]
Saving money doesn’t necessarily have to be a huge undertaking. While designing a budget is important, as is reviewing your typical expenses, there’s plenty you can do right now to make sure you have more money in the bank in the near future. For example, everyone knows to turn off lights and appliances when they’re […]
Most of us will end up staying at a hotel at least once or twice a year. While hotels are built for pleasant stays, there’s often very little to enjoy about the bill involved. If you’re on a budget, then, the following advice will help you sleep a little sounder knowing you’re not being charged […]
No matter how much you try to budget your money, there are some things you simply can’t plan for. Booking a flight is often one of them, as you may need to cross the country for an emergency. Of course, some of you may finally be taking a well-deserved vacation and just don’t want to […]
Everyone has a cell phone these days and the vast majority of us couldn’t imagine life any other way. Most of us, though, probably spend a lot of time imagining what life would be like without a hefty bill coming every month. While there’s probably no way to get free cell phone service, consider the […]
Although we all want to get healthy, there can be a million obstacles that seemingly stand in our way. For many of us, one of the major ones is our budget. We all know that unhealthy food—which just happens to taste amazing—is also cheap and affordable. So let’s take a look at some ways to […]