When you feel that you may need to file for bankruptcy, chances are very good that you realize you are in serious financial trouble. Filing is not something that anyone takes lightly. However, when you have trouble with your finances, and the debt collectors simply will not leave you alone there may be no other […]
Posts By: Anthony Thompson
Making the decision of whether to file for bankruptcy or not is huge. It can change your life for the better in the case of those who are truly desperate. However, it does have some cons you will need to consider as well. Many people feel that filing for bankruptcy is the “death knell” of […]
One of the reasons that so many people find themselves in financial trouble month after month, which can escalate to the point of bankruptcy many times, is that they do not take full account of their finances. They have no plan to save money – even a little bit of money – each month. Saving […]
Most of us can admit that we waste money. While an impulse buy here and there isn’t the end of the world, many people could be doing a lot better where their savings or debt were concerned if they would just stop throwing so much of their money away. Here are a few simple tips […]
When it comes to financial abuse, it’s hard to get objective numbers on how many people are affected each year. However, we do know that conmen tend to target older Americans and that it probably costs this demographic in the neighborhood of $3 billion every year. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this awful crime […]
If you’re like many people, you may have mixed feelings about credit cards. On the one hand, they sure are handy. On the other, they can cost you plenty. Consider the following ways smart people make use of theirs though and any negative perceptions you have may change. First of all, responsible credit card users […]
When it comes to financial advice, most of us feel like we could always use more. Unfortunately, most of us never make use of the common sense advice that already exists out there. Take the following tips for example. First, simply stop buying things you don’t need. This is easier said than done, but not […]
While there are countless forms of insurance out there, one kind that almost all of us are familiar with having is auto insurance. In fact, if you have a car, having insurance is essential to getting behind the wheel (some people even have it despite not having a car). However, just like every other form […]
The benefits of being a young adult are endless, but the one disadvantage is the lack of experience you have. This is especially true when it comes to money. So consider the below pieces of financial advice young adults should take to heart. First, begin saving now. Most young adults have a lot of bills […]
Who would like more money? Generally, the answer should be everyone, but especially in this economy, people seem ready to add to their savings. Unfortunately, most of us just don’t have the time to add a part-time job to our day and for a lot of couples, both people are already working. However, neither circumstance […]