General Bankruptcy

How You May Easily Be Wasting Money

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Saving money is an important practice that can provide you with serious financial results over time. Sadly, not everyone is saving like they could. But many who are genuinely serious about making the most out of the money they make also don’t know the many ways they could be wasting it unnecessarily. Think about the […]

How to Simplify Your Budget

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If you’re like most people, you either either don’t have a budget or the one you do have is in your head and vague at best. However, you probably also know that these two methods are far from ideal. So consider the below method to create a simple budget you can easily follow. Although it’s […]

How to Invest on a Budget

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Everyone knows how important it is to invest their money, but the truth is that for many of us, it simply seems like a goal without hope at the moment. Most of us are looking for ways to simply save money, in case of an emergency or to keep a couple luxury items in our […]

Huge Number of SD Homes Underwater on Mortgages

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While the overall economy might be doing better than it was five years ago, that does not mean that everyone is doing well. In fact, some are still struggling greatly and living from paycheck to paycheck. They are in trouble on their mortgages. In fact, more than 55,000 homeowners in the San Diego Country area […]

The Pros and Cons of Bankruptcy

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Making the decision of whether to file for bankruptcy or not is huge. It can change your life for the better in the case of those who are truly desperate. However, it does have some cons you will need to consider as well. Many people feel that filing for bankruptcy is the “death knell” of […]

Tips for Saving Money Each Month

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One of the reasons that so many people find themselves in financial trouble month after month, which can escalate to the point of bankruptcy many times, is that they do not take full account of their finances. They have no plan to save money – even a little bit of money – each month. Saving […]

How to Stop Wasting Your Money

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Most of us can admit that we waste money. While an impulse buy here and there isn’t the end of the world, many people could be doing a lot better where their savings or debt were concerned if they would just stop throwing so much of their money away. Here are a few simple tips […]

How to Avoid Financial Exploitation

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When it comes to financial abuse, it’s hard to get objective numbers on how many people are affected each year. However, we do know that conmen tend to target older Americans and that it probably costs this demographic in the neighborhood of $3 billion every year. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this awful crime […]

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