Getting into credit card debt couldn’t be easier. In fact, many credit card companies could even be said to make it a little too easy. Even those with the best of intentions often find themselves owning more than they ever expected, which can become a huge hazard to not just your personal finances at the […]
General Bankruptcy
For many couples, weddings come with both a sense of excitement and dread. Obviously, there better be some level of anticipation or something is very wrong. However, in order to throw the wedding of their dreams, many couples find it will take a financial nightmare. The first thing you and your fiancé should do, then, […]
Just about everyone would love having a second source of income to rely on. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in the day. Those of us who would be willing to sacrifice our social lives to bring in some extra cash usually don’t have much of one to begin with because of our familial […]
Refinancing your home has always been a popular decision for a number of reasons. However, it’s not a choice you should make rashly. So before you refinance your house, consider the following. First, you always need to measure if it’s actually worth it over the long term. No matter what other factors are at play, […]
If you’re looking to give your budget some help, don’t forget about addressing some of those recurring payments you’re making. Your electricity is a great example of how you can make small changes that will really add up over time. While CFL bulbs are still relatively expensive upfront, there’s no debating that they’re far more […]
If you’ve ever found yourself in need of some quick cash—and who hasn’t?—you’re probably well aware of what’s called a “payday loan.” This resource is the go-to option for countless people all over the country when they need money fast. Unfortunately, it should be avoided at all costs. The idea behind a payday loan is […]
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which usually means a number of reasons to celebrate. For many of us, though, this time of year represents the stress that comes from balancing a delicious feast with respecting our budget. One way to offset your costs is by inviting your guests to each bring a dish of […]
For most of us, there’s no getting around the fact that part of our monthly budget needs to take into account the cost of gas. Unless you live near just about everything you need or have reliable public transportation nearby, gas is something you’re going to need to spend money on and often a lot […]
Everyone should have a budget. Without one, it doesn’t matter how much money you earn, you’ll likely end up wasting plenty of it. This means you’ll be spending hours at work each week for no real reason. Worse still, though, it could also mean that you end up putting yourself and/or your family at risk […]
While it’s important to practice responsibility where your money is concerned, sometimes it’s also smart to hire a money manager for assistance. These professionals can help those who struggle with handling their own money or who simply want help taking their finances to another level. The first thing to look for in a money manager […]