When most people think about financial issues, they think about the personal financial problems of individuals. They think about bad credit, mounting debt, and the possibility of an impending bankruptcy. However, more than just individuals can find themselves facing financial troubles, as the San Diego Opera is discovering. They have been struggling for some time now, and were in need of $1 million by May 19 in order to stay open for their 2015 season. If they were unable to raise the money in that time, they would have had to shutter their doors at the end of the 2014 season.
Fortunately, opera lovers in San Diego can rest a bit easier now. The San Diego Opera set up a crowd funding program as a means to raise money, and by May 18, they raised a whopping $2,116,376. They say that the donations will allow them to fund three full productions. They plan to put on “Nixon in China”, Don Giovanni”, and “La Boheme”. Thanks to those donations, they will be able to get through their 50th year in San Diego.
The supporters of the opera say it was not a lack of interest that led to the declining ticket sales. Rather, they say that it was mismanagement of the funds. When it comes to matters of financial problems, whether it is with a company or with personal finance, this always seems to play a major role. Proper care and handling of funds is always important. However, that is not the only thing that can wreak havoc on your finances. Things such as unexpected job loss or unexpected medical bills can also take their toll.
If you find yourself in dire financial straits, you may want to consider consulting a bankruptcy attorney and getting the help you need.